Step 1 - Gather information
✓ Identify a named member of staff from the new school/setting to co-ordinate transition. ✓ Ensure the new school/setting develops an understanding of the learner's needs and how to meet them. ✓ Observe the learner in the 'feeder' school or setting being included and using their equipment. ✓ Become familiar with their paperwork, e.g. Individual Healthcare Plan (IHCP), risk assessments, intimate care plan, personal emergency evacuation plan, moving and handling plan, etc. ✓ Meet the learner and their parents, listen to what they have to say, find out what works to manage their physical disability and their concerns. ✓ Acknowledge any sensitive issues such as what parents/carers have told the learner about their physical disability/condition. ✓ Plan lots of opportunities for staff from the new school/setting to learn about the needs and how they are met by the 'feeder' school/setting, e.g. physiotherapy plan. ✓ Build working relationships with other professionals in the team around the learner and understand their role in supporting them with their physical disability. -
Step 2 - Reflect
✓ What training will staff require? ✓ What, if any, further adaption is required? ✓ What level of assistance does the learner require? ✓ What can they do independently? ✓ What equipment and/or technical support do they need? ✓ What staffing is needed to support the learner? -
Step 3 - Plan
✓ Talk with the learner and their parents about expectations and what their personal learning journey will look like in the new school/setting, acknowledging any differences. ✓ Organise additional visits (without other learners present) supported by staff from the feeder school/setting to try out equipment and facilities. ✓ Provide an opportunity for key staff from the new school/setting to shadow staff in the feeder school to see what support strategies work. -
Step 4 - Prepare
✓ Ensure that all staff are aware that a learner with physical disability is starting and knows how to welcome and include them by understanding how they will be supported. ✓ Ensure that all staff are made aware in general terms about the learner’s physical disability, needs and provision. ✓ Ensure that key staff are competent in supporting the learner with a physical disability, their role in supporting them and the need for confidentiality. -
Step 5 - Implement
✓ Follow the plan and monitor progression. ✓ Check in with staff and respond to any feedback or concerns. ✓ Check in with the learner and parents/carers and respond to any feedback or concerns. ✓ Take a solution focused approach to any unexpected problems and liaise with the learner and parents/carers. ✓ Set regular review meetings to update the transition plan.