Self-evaluation tool
A FREE, simple way to evaluate your school or setting against the pdnet Standards
- ✓ Free to use
- ✓ Easy to navigate
- ✓ Complete action plan as you go
- ✓ Generate and print PDF report
- ✓ Revisit to update progress
- ✓ Upload evidence to support judgements
- ✓ Saves automatically
The process is simple
Read through the Standard statements using the coloured tabs. Click 'read more' to explore each standard in detail and to access supporting resources.
Record your judgement by selecting the most appropriate option - established, developing or not yet developed.
Upload evidence to support judgements and recognise strengths. Make notes in the text box provided or upload supporting documents.
Plan actions to address any areas for improvement. This can be revisited and updated at any time.
Click 'run report' to generate a PDF which summarises your judgements, actions and evidence for you to print or share easily with others.
To demonstrate progress, each time your self-evaluation is updated you will be able to generate a new report. All reports will be saved incase they're needed at a later date.