Subject: Useful Links e.g. LA, charities, government
Inclusion in Physical Education and School Sports
The Equality Act 2010 in Settings
Overview of The Equality Act 2010 in Settings, replaces the DDA
This resource links to the Early Years pdnet Standards 1.1 1.2 1.5 3.1 3.5 4.4
Warwickshire County Council
SEND Reform Guide
Organisational effectiveness guide and self-assessment tool to help providers and local authorities to assess their current effectiveness in relation to implementing the Children and Families Act and to drive improvements in provision.
This resource links to the Post 16 pdnet Standard
Department for Education
Inclusion of Swimmers with a Disability
A publication containing information on teaching swimmers with a disability
This resource links to the Schools pdnet Standard
The asa
16 to 19 Study Programmes Guidance
Planning and delivery of 16 to 19 study programmes
This resource links to the Post 16 pdnet Standard
Department for Education
Supported Internship Guidance
Guidance for supporting internships within further education colleges, sixth forms in academies, maintained and non-maintained schools independent specialist providers, other providers of study programmes and local authorities.
This resource links to the Post 16 pdnet Standard
Department for Education
WM classroom guide
A classroom guide to understanding working memory and how to support children with learning difficulties who may experience poor working memory skills.
This resource links to the Schools pdnet Standard
Working Memory and Learning
Equality and Human Rights Reasonable Adjustments for Disabled Pupils Guidance
Guidance to help school leaders and education authorities understand and comply with the reasonable adjustments duty for disabled pupils.
This resource links to the Schools pdnet Standards 1.1, 3.1 and Post 16 pdnet Standards 1.1, 3.1
Equality and Human Rights Commission
Managing Intimate and Personal Care in Schools and Post 16 Settings
Non-statutory guidance for managing intimate and personal care to children and young people with additional support needs in schools and settings.
This resource links to the Schools pdnet Standards 1.1, 1.2, 2.4, 3.5, 4.4 and Post 16 pdnet Standards 1.2, 3.5, 4.4
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
Motor Skills Advice for Primary Schools
Motor skills advice for primary schools including, fine motor activities, tips for good posture and accessibility of the curriculum through ICT.
This resource links to the Schools pdnet Standards 2.2, 2.5, 3.1, 4.5
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council